-2 C
luni, ianuarie 13, 2025

Agribusiness – 2022, a year of digitization for the agricultural insurance sector – Brief

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2022 was a year of digitization for Agra Asigurări, the only insurer in Romania dedicated exclusively to the agricultural sector.

For 2023, the company aims to develop its product range to offer Romanian farmers solutions adapted to their needs.

The company decided to expand its operational team with 50 damage assessors to cope with the growing demand for agricultural policies.

Retrospective of the agricultural year 2022 for Agra Asigurări  

2022 was a year of digitization for Agra Asigurări, the only insurer in Romania dedicated exclusively to the agricultural sector. The company has taken digitization to a higher level in the insurance market – by constantly improving the claims assessment process with the help of technology and launching an online platform dedicated to brokers. Moreover, the insurer has strengthened its operational team with 50 damage assessors nationally. For 2023, the company aims to develop its product range to offer Romanian farmers solutions adapted to their needs.

The company decided to expand its operational team with 50 damage assessors to cope with the growing demand for agricultural policies. Thus, the insurer organized several training programs for damage assessors throughout the year, according to their experience level, covering both technical information about the insurance process – insurance conditions and insurance risks, as well as assessment methods of damage and particularities of crops.

 “Expanding and developing the operational team at the national level was one of the most important objectives this year, which we have successfully achieved. We have built a diverse team, from young agricultural graduates to agronomic engineers or experienced farmers. A gratifying thing for us was their openness to digital methods. This allowed us to be operative, both on the side of offering and notifying claims”, said Horia Lupu, the General Director of Agra Asigurări.

The company has been issuing insurance policies in electronic format, assessing the damages digitally by using tablets, since the establishment of the branch in Romania. However, 2022 meant for Agra Asigurări a more in-depth digital development process, having a positive evolution. About 94% of damage notifications were notified digitally, without requiring farmers to contact company representatives by phone.

“The use of digital technologies has a positive impact on the quality of life in rural areas and has the potential to attract a younger generation of farmers to get involved and develop rural businesses. There are digital solutions that are easy to use, software in the Romanian language, which can make farm activity more efficient. As far as we are concerned, we provide access to the AgraSat online portal, where with the help of the online portal, where they can see their insurance policies, approve the claims and follow the settlement process in real time”, added Horia-Lupu.

The company continued the digitization process in the field of agricultural insurance, launching in September the first digital platform for brokers that support the sales process and the possibility of issuing offline offers.

For 2023, the company aims to strengthen its position in the agricultural insurance market in Romania and expand its product portfolio, to improve the work process, bringing more benefits to customers and collaborators.


About Agra Asigurări


The insurance company Österreichische Hagelversicherung was founded in 1947 in Austria at the farmers’ initiative by Austrian insurance companies. Due to its exclusive experience in the agricultural field, Agra Asigurări is one of the few European insurance companies that insure drought since 2000.

Since the opening of the local branch in Romania in 2016, drought risk insurance is now available for Romanian farmers, along with standard coverings for hail, fire, storm, torrential rain, and frost.


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