Radu Hanga, President of the Board of Directors of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, stated: “We congratulate Hidroelectrica and the company’s shareholders for the success of the largest IPO in the history of the Romanian capital market!
Radu Hanga, President of the Board of Directors of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, stated: “We congratulate Hidroelectrica and the company’s shareholders for the success of the largest IPO in the history of the Romanian capital market! During the offer, I saw thousands of Romanians who opened trading accounts and they have contact with the stock exchange phenomenon thanks to Hidroelectrica’s reputation. This listing opens new opportunities both for the 8 million Romanians who invest indirectly on the stock market through privately managed pension funds, as well as for Romanians who want to invest in Romania’s strategic companies traded on the stock market, including the 500,000 customers of Hidroelectrica. We are in a context rich in opportunities for Romanian companies, and the local capital market and the banking sector are the pillars that support their financing. We, at BVB, successfully fulfill our role of providing companies and the state with access to financing, as evidenced by more than 160 listings in the last five years, the value of which is close to RON 10 billion euros, including this offer. We believe that the most important message that Hidroelectrica gives to all Made in Romania companies is that they can become leaders in the local and even regional market, through a solid business model, and that the capital market can finance the development of the most ambitious plans.”
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