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sâmbătă, ianuarie 18, 2025

IT & E-commerce – Schwarz Global Services refurbishes and provides high-performance equipment for one of the laboratories of the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest, Faculty of Automation and Computers – Brief

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Schwarz Global Services refurbishes and provides high-performance equipment for one of the laboratories of the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest, Faculty of Automation and Computers Schwarz Global Services, the IT excellence center that provides digital solutions for the Schwarz group, has refurbished one of the laboratories of the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest, the Faculty of Automation

Schwarz Global Services refurbishes and provides high-performance equipment for one of the laboratories of the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest, Faculty of Automation and Computers

  • Schwarz Global Services, the IT excellence center that provides digital solutions for the Schwarz group, has refurbished one of the laboratories of the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest, the Faculty of Automation and Computers. This is one of the spaces used for the academic training of several thousand students annually, for their future career performance. 
  • The laboratory within the Faculty of Automation and Computers was equipped with the latest generation furniture and equipment, to offer a complete learning experience, adapted to the present. 
  • In addition, Schwarz Global Services has also created a relaxation space where young students can interact during the breaks between classes, in a friendly academic environment. 
  • Octavian Ichim, CEO Schwarz Global Services Romania: “In July we start the new internship program dedicated to students in the areas of software development, IT consulting and agile coaching. In addition, we also have open positions for graduates”.

Schwarz Global Services, the IT excellence center that provides digital solutions for the Schwarz group, has provided high-performance equipment to one of the laboratories within the Faculty of Automation and Computers of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB), which will be enjoyed annually by thousands of students.

In addition to furniture, the laboratory was equipped with high-performance laptops, in order to offer students a complete learning experience, adapted to the present. In addition, a relaxation space was created where the young can interact during the breaks between classes, in a friendly academic environment.

The project is launched in the context of an extended partnership between Schwarz Global Services and the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest. The various generations of Polytechnic students benefited and benefit, within this partnership, from frequent internship programs organized by Schwarz Global Services, during which they interact directly with the company and its employees, having the opportunity to be recruited here later. Schwarz Global Services also actively participates in trade fairs and profile events organized by UPB, such as Polijobs, Polifest or Innovation Labs.

“The new project strengthens the partnership between Schwarz Global Services and the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest. We believe that such investments and collaborations are opportune for the academic environment, for the business environment, but especially for the new generations of students and graduates. Access to a modern infrastructure, with the latest generation equipment, is essential in the preparation of students. Schwarz Global Services also offers attractive development programs for Polytechnic students: for example, in July we start the new internship program dedicated to students in the segments of software development, IT consulting and agile coaching. In addition, we also have open positions for graduates. I expect that in 2023 we will have an employment rate above that of 2022, and this in the context in which in 2022 we hired twice as many participants in the program than we initially expected,” declares Octavian Ichim, CEO of Schwarz Global Services Romania.

Octavian Ichim, CEO of Schwarz Global Services Romania

Within Schwarz Global Services, representatives of the new generation of Polytechnic graduates have access to the latest generation infrastructure, some of the most modern environments, methods and programming languages ​​(e.g. JAVA, Vue.js, Angular, Golang, ABAP, Mendix but and the latest DevOps solutions). In addition to the latest generation technology, there are also extremely interesting projects in the area of ​​Cloud or Machine learning. Schwarz Global Services develops its own software products with applicability in industries such as traditional retail, e-commerce or production. The company has, among other, its own e-commerce, cloud (StackIT) and cyber security (XM Cyber) solutions.

The project within the POLITEHNICA University was implemented with WOPA Communication Group.

Schwarz Global Services is the internal supplier of IT solutions and services, which supports the processing of administrative services of the top international Schwarz retail group. The group operates in 33 countries worldwide, with over 13,000 stores and approximately 550,000 employees. Headquartered in Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Schwarz consists of the two retail divisions Lidl and Kaufland, the food production Schwarz Produktion and the environmental service PreZero.

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