Victor Rebengiuc, appeal to common sense in a video that encourages the recycling of electrical waste
The message is conveyed by the Environ Association in the context in which Romanians have just struck a new record in Black Friday online purchases
An immersive installation, with spectacular images from nature, can be visited between November 15th and 19th at the MINA Museum in Bucharest. The initiators, the Environ Association, are launching an awareness campaign on the need to collect and recycle electrical waste in the context of the new records recorded by Black Friday 2023. The “Nature of Common Sense” campaign focuses on the wonderful things that nature offers us, which expects us only to show common sense and be more careful with the waste we produce. The immersive story is told by actor Victor Rebengiuc, and the video features model Ana Maria Bucura.
The “Nature of Common Sense” e-waste collection and awareness campaign is launched at a time when Romanians broke new records when buying Black Friday: 2.8 million products bought from a single online retailer, a large part of them being electrical and household appliances. This means that almost as many products from Romanians’ homes will become waste.
The message conveyed by the voice of actor Victor Rebengiuc starts from the fact that nature, by everything it means, reminds us that we are alive, completes us, reminds us where we come from and where we go. “Nature doesn’t disappear when we live in the city. We forget about her. Sometimes we forget so much that we do not give him back the only thing it needs: “Common sense,” is the message delivered by the voice of Victor Rebengiuc.
The data shows that, although Romanians do not generate even the highest amounts of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) because they have a habit of keeping them in their homes for a long time after they take them out of use, they have the worst habits in terms of managing them, which makes our country one of the most polluted European states. The problem is that in Romania, the collection rate reaches barely 35%, in the most optimistic estimates, given that the European average is 45.9% at 2020 level and the European targets impose at least 65% of the average sales of new products over the last 3 years.
The Environ Association studied the behavior of Romanians and took their own approach: “Before we talk about recycling, we need to see what determines or does not respect us as people and respect the environment. It is a sense that should be unique to human nature, beyond sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. It is about common sense. We are waiting for you in the first immersive space in Romania to discover how, used correctly, the progress of technology brings us closer to the really important things,” said Roxana Puia, marketing manager at ENVIRON Romania.
Those who come to visit the facility at the MYNA Museum are encouraged to bring an obsolete electronic object, and Environ will take care of its recycling.
In 16 years of activity, ENVIRON Association collected over 160,000 tons of electrical and electronic equipment waste, of which 39,343 tons of WEEE only last year. In total, ENVIRON handled 1,436,555 WEEE in 2022 alone. Most of them belong to the category of small waste (561,030 pieces). The following are washing machines (560,520 pieces), TVs and monitors (228,451 pieces) and refrigerators (86,554 pieces).
15.11.2023 / Editor, Andreea Dragan
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