6.5 C
marți, ianuarie 21, 2025
AcasăPodcastESSEC Knowledge Podcast
dezvoltarea afacerii, probleme profit, solutii afaceri, solutii management, instrumente management, consultanta afaceri

ESSEC Knowledge

Be in the Know is a podcast series powered by ESSEC Knowledge @ ESSEC Business School. Hear what our faculty has to say about the latest business trends, breaking news and cutting-edge research in their own words.

13: How to leverage sports events for maximum marketing impact
byESSEC Business School
13: How to leverage sports events for maximum marketing impact
12: How to ensure your company’s tools amplify women’s voices
11: The intersection of ableism and sexism: how it impacts women’s careers
10: Rivalry in the Palio di Siena
9: Does paying for performance pay off?
8: Team dynamics in academia-industry collaborations
7: Go for gold: Organizing the Olympics and Paralympics
6: Discussing Diversity in Business
Strategies and responses for business survival during a crisis
5: Using philosophy to rethink innovation
4: L’innovation responsable et la philosophie
Vers un mécénat d’entreprise plus utile pour la société
Quels challenges pour les opérateurs des filières de viande bovine ?
3: Value-Added Statements: A Powerful Communication Tool
2: How Smart Is Smart Beta Investing?
1: Comment réapprendre à apprendre ?

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