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sâmbătă, februarie 15, 2025

Fonduri Europene – Call for Applications: Central Europe Media Resilience Grants Programme – Sinteza

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The Prague Civil Society Centre is launching a call for applications from independent media organisations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Romania for our Central Europe Media Resilience Grants Programme. This funding opportunity will provide financial and technical support that will help enhance the sustainability and impact of independent media organisations, enabling them to produce high-quality,fact-based, critical

The Prague Civil Society Centre is launching a call for applications from independent media organisations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Romania for our Central Europe Media Resilience Grants Programme.

This funding opportunity will provide financial and technical support that will help enhance the sustainability and impact of independent media organisations, enabling them to produce high-quality,fact-based, critical journalism that engages audiences and addresses important issues requiring public debate and scrutiny.

Who can apply:

Eligible applicants must be a legally registered entity (for-profit or non-profit) that has been operating for at least one year as an independent media outlet in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia or Romania.

Grants are available to small and medium-sized independent media outlets that have a strong digital presence at the national or regional level. Both established publications and newer initiatives are welcome to apply.

For full information on eligibility criteria please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Application.

The kinds of projects we want to support:

Grants will support projects aimed at generating revenue streams, expanding audiences, or experimenting with innovative tools and approaches to reporting and managing media organisations.

We want to support projects that address important organisational needs and challenges or are exploiting available opportunities for growth and organisational improvement.

Proposals that demonstrate a clear plan for sustaining the project results beyond the grant period and that fit logically into the broader long-term strategy of the organisation will prioritized.

What is included:  

Grants of €25.000 to€120,000 will be awarded for a period of 12 to 24 months.

In addition to financial support,media outlets receiving a grant will have the opportunity to connect with industry experts and peers, and to access on-demand personalised advice on industry-specific challenges and opportunities from a network of leading media practitioners.

How to apply:

Fill out the online application form.

The form consists of a series of questions and documents that must be uploaded to the form.

Here is the Project Proposal file and the Project Budget file that need to be filled and uploaded to the online application form.

Only complete applications that have been submitted in accordance with the Guidelines for Grant Application will be considered.

The application deadline is midnight, February 15, 2024.

Selection procedure:

Proposals will be reviewed by an independent expert board and decisions will be based solely on the merit of the proposal. Funding priority is given to applications from organisations that are not currently receiving funding from other U.S. government-funded sources.

Decision on the grants to be awarded will be made by April 30, 2024.

Supported projects will start no later than July 1, 2024.

For more information about the Prague Civil Society Centre please refer to our website.

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